Saturday, October 30, 2004

Iraq death toll 'soared post-war'
"Poor planning, air strikes by coalition forces and a "climate of violence" have led to more than 100,000 extra deaths in Iraq, scientists claim.
A study published by the Lancet says the risk of death by violence for civilians in Iraq is now 58 times higher than before the US-led invasion"

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Palestine: the assault on health and other war crimes "The wall will isolate 97 primary health clinics and 11 hospitals from the population they serve."

"Physicians for Human Rights (Israel) have lambasted the Israeli Medical Association (IMA) for its silence in the face of these systematic violations of the Fourth Geneva Convention, which guarantees the right to health care and the protection of health professionals as they do their duty. Remarkably, IMA president Dr Y Blachar is currently chairperson of the council of the World Medical Association (WMA), the official international watchdog on medical ethics."

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Darfur Photo Diary "The people here have taught me the real meaning of courage, strength, generosity and kindness."

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Aspartame and its effects on health However, my mother-in-law won't touch it with a barge-pole...and I am still worried about it. Some very good responses to the article can also be read.
It's time to give up - British Heart Foundation (BHF) Anti-Smoking Campaign Ramadan is an excellent time to stop. "Smokers are up to four times more likely to give up successfully if they use their local NHS Stop Smoking Service together with Nicotine Replacement Thearapy, than if they rely on willpower alone." For more advice ring 0800 169 1900.