Monday, February 28, 2005

Jabs and junk science

"As the parent of an autistic child, I am well qualified to comment on the particular experience of being the parent of an autistic child. But this experience does not give me any special insights into the question of what causes autism, or into any other aspect of the condition. When a handful of parents criticise the arrogance of the government in refusing to concede to the demands arising from their personal experience, the real arrogance is theirs in disparaging the experience of millions, generalised in the studies on which immunisation policy is based."

Are Vitamins Harmless?

The Guardian | Vitamins 'may raise death risk from cancer' Scary really since most people think vitamins are harmless.

Friday, February 25, 2005

The influence of violent media on children and adolescents: a public-health approach
Another addictive drug. It's a shame people still aren't getting the message about TV, the "plug-in-drug". Every few years something like this crops up in the journals but nobody does anything about it. Subscription on-line to the Lancet is free.
Media Education: American Academy of Paediatrics Guidelines

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

progestogen only pill
The relatively new "Cerazette" also works by blocking ovulation, making it more suitable for those who would worry about a fertilised ovum becoming unable to implant in the uterus.
Tea - 22 February 2005
I know this isn't medical but I believe tea is a drug...I'm addicted to it. I can't believe a packet of PG says a moderate amount is "6 cups a day"!

Friday, February 18, 2005

Men: Get Laptops Off Your Laps

What raising the temperature around the body could potentially do...
Women's Health by Deborah Walker and Ann McPherson (both GPs in Oxford)

My tutor bought me this fantastic guide to Women's Health. I just started the book a couple of weeks ago and it contains heaps of important information.

Women's Health

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

The British Heart Foundation is sooo worried about Asian patients.

I want to know why the patients aren't worried. One was just telling me to believe him that he never eats meat, poultry or sweets...but I was seeing him for his v.high fat levels in his blood and his uncontrolled diabetes. There was no way he could possibly do any exercise (not even 10 mins a day) to help this situation, or cut down on his meals. He would rather increase his medication to deal with it. Sooo frustrating.

Keeping Cholesterol In Check
Why don't we remember things from when we were babies?:

"Our inability to remember life during infancy is a psychological enigma because even very young infants are capable of remembering things."

I also wonder why we can't remember things after having these very young infants!