Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Disabled girl's parents defend growth-stunting treatment

Disabled girl's parents defend growth-stunting treatment - "It's been a year since the parents of a severely disabled child made public their decision to submit their daughter to a hysterectomy, breast surgery and drugs to keep the girl forever small. Today, the couple tell CNN, they believe they made the right decision -- one that could have a profound impact on the care of disabled children worldwide."

Zakat Calculations for Pension Funds

Q & A: Zakat Calculations for Pension Funds

I tend to pay zakat on my pension every few years, but I recently came across this article which suggests its better to pay yearly. I'm just wondering what a large sum of zakat I'll have to pay if I ever access the money, as at that time I'll have to pay zakat on the employer contributions too! I never thought of that until today. I wonder if it will all be worth it?

Monday, March 03, 2008

Saving sex for sexual health

sBMJ | Saving sex for sexual health: "Anisa Nasir argues for doctors to suggest abstinence as a solution to unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections"