Saturday, May 20, 2006

NLH - Complementary and Alternative Medicine

NLH - Complementary and Alternative Medicine:

"The library aims to include the best available evidence for complementary and alternative medicine and will be updated regularly. At present it includes Cochrane systematic reviews, other systematic reviews which have been appraised and included on the Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE), and Clinical Evidence reviews focusing on specific CAM interventions for various medical conditions."

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

HPV vaccine and adolescents' sexual activity :

"The vaccine must be given before HPV infection is acquired. It is most likely to be recommended for 11-12 year olds, because by the ninth grade (age 14-15) 28% of girls in the US are sexually active. This has prompted some advocates of premarital abstinence to charge that HPV vaccination will condone or promote sexual promiscuity. However, its impact will probably be small because multiple factors are associated with initiation of sexual activity; fear of sexually transmitted infections is not a major reason for abstinence, and condom availability programmes have not been associated with behavioural disinhibition."

This is coming soon on the NHS!

Friday, May 12, 2006

Jerusalem Arabs have higher rate of heart attacks than Jews
"The authors write that differences in access to ambulance services, as well as lifestyle factors, may also help to explain the high mortality among Palestinians."

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Book: Caring for Muslim Patients -- Galanti 322 (7280): 242 -- BMJ
MashaAllah this book has contributions from Sidi Abdal Hakim Murad and Sidi Abdal Aziz Fredricks. A good read!
'Surma' dangers in the spotlight

"The effects of lead poisoning include anaemia, kidney problems and damage to the nerves that may include fits. Even at relatively low levels, chronic exposure to lead may cause learning and behaviour problems."