Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Just wondering how GPs counsel women wanting a termination, whether you do it differently depending on the faith of the woman or not?
Also how do you counsel women wanting a method of contraception that works as an abortifacient?

umm safiya

Monday, January 07, 2008


What do other doctors do when requested to fill in Cremation forms or when asked by another doctor to do Part II of the Crem form?

I had to fill in a Part II recently and I thought I would ask to see what other people do.


Stranger in a strange land

Tuesday, January 01, 2008


As Doctors we prescribe medication to our patients all the time. If the patient is a Muslim/Jew would you prescribe the same drug but in an alternative form in order to avoid any haram/Non-Kosher ingredients (gelatine in capsules etc) eg Ramipril tablets rather than capsules or Lansoprazole FastTab rather than capsules etc?

What if the 'halal' form is more expensive/conflicts with you Practice/PCT Prescribing Policy/Guidelines?


Stranger in a strange land

I was wondering about how people deal with death and illness. I cannot seem to sleep when a patient dies, and it affects me for a while. A lady I sent into hospital in March with a hemiparesis was found to have multiple brain tumours and she died this week. Seeing her on all the drugs she was on was very upsetting. Sometimes I don't even realise why I'm not myself and later I realise all the things that went on at work, then I understand why. If they are Muslim, they have hope and long to meet Allah, but what about when they aren't, it seems like all they have to look forward to is more pain and then a black hole?

I'd be really grateful if anyone could explain their coping mechanisms, esp Umm Nour, working in Palliative Care.

