Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Complementary and Alternative Therapies

"My auntie was under the doctor for six months, but it was only when she started on homeopathy that she got better".

Many of our friends and patients are interested in this area. Some of them have tried Western Medicine, some haven't. Umm Ilhaam is of the opinion that although some of these therapies may work (found by experimenting on close family members!), for reasons known or not, certainly not all of them do. At the end of the day though, we feel its good to see some evidence. That's where Bandolier comes in.

Have you ever thought about why bogus remedies seem to work? If so, then here's something to think about.

"#Many diseases are self-limiting

The old saying is that a cold will go away in a week or in seven days if you treat it. Determining whether an intervention has made a difference is therefore difficult. Unless rigorous study methods are applied, an apparent benefit cannot be ascribed to the intervention or the natural course of the disease.

#Many diseases are cyclical

Allergies, multiple sclerosis, arthritis and gastrointestinal problems like irritable bowel syndrome all have their ups and downs. Sufferers may seek therapy on a down, so that when an up comes that has to be due to the therapy, doesn't it. Again, only rigorous study design combats this.

#Placebo effect

Both the above contribute to what is called a placebo effect. It can be seen as the natural course of things. For instance, some people need no pain relief after surgery, making a pre-emptive intervention which claims to reduce pain after surgery a sure win. There will always be some people publicly to declaim its value. Natural "placebo" rates depend on what the problem is and what the benefit is. There will always be some people who benefit without an intervention.

#Bets are "hedged"

"My auntie was under the doctor for six months, but it was only when she started on homeopathy that she got better". The fact that the poor infantry slaved away for six months is forgotten in the glamour of magic.

#Original diagnosis may be wrong

Bandolier has highlighted the difficulty of diagnosis. If the diagnosis is wrong, then miraculous cures are less miraculous.

#Mood improvement or cure

Alternative healers often have much more time to spend with their patient than a harassed GP loaded down with kilograms of guidelines and tight prescribing budgets. Is it any wonder that alternative healers can make patients feel better? That mood change is sometimes seen as the cure.

#Psychological investment in alternatives

Alternative healing can be as simple as some herbal remedy bought from a shop. Sometimes it can involve huge amounts of time, massive involvement of the family, and an intense psychological investment in believing that something (anything) will work. It is not surprising, then, that many people find some redeeming value in the treatment."

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