Tuesday, January 01, 2008


I was wondering about how people deal with death and illness. I cannot seem to sleep when a patient dies, and it affects me for a while. A lady I sent into hospital in March with a hemiparesis was found to have multiple brain tumours and she died this week. Seeing her on all the drugs she was on was very upsetting. Sometimes I don't even realise why I'm not myself and later I realise all the things that went on at work, then I understand why. If they are Muslim, they have hope and long to meet Allah, but what about when they aren't, it seems like all they have to look forward to is more pain and then a black hole?

I'd be really grateful if anyone could explain their coping mechanisms, esp Umm Nour, working in Palliative Care.




Mushtaq said...

I must admit that I have never been bothered with deaths as I haven't had to care for anyone that I knew very well. I tend to switch off quite quickly, although with the impending arrival (inshallah) of a baby I have found that I do empathise more. I'm not someone who subscribes to the view that non-Muslims are bound for Hell as the majority will have had a very negative exposure to Islam and in the end one must have a good opinion of Our Lord; it's not the same as people who met the Rasul(s). Plus, I worry about my own ending rather than everyone elses.

Anonymous said...


I do feel sorry for such people as they dont see reality the way we do. It also makes me grateful for Allah's blessings - Iman, health and this constant reminder.

Plus bro Mushtaqs comments are true - you dont know what an individuals final abode will be - Imam Ghazzali put non-Muslims into 3 categories, two of whom go to Paradise. Some of these people will be v happy in the next life; its us with the knowledge that have no excuse that need to worry...Allah swt have mercy on us all, ameen.

Umm Zaynab said...

That's one problem with GP, you do get to know the patient and the family. It's not that I'm worried for their ending, it's just sad. I agree most people haven't a got a realistic picture of Islam and don't think each one of them is bound for hell, I didn't meant hell when I said black hole, I meant a lot of people think there is going to be "nothing". I hope a lot of my in-laws will go to a good resting place, as they really don't know Islam, especially living in France.